Reconciliation Week 2020 - In This Together

It is National Reconciliation Week this week, and the theme for 2020 is In This Together.

This helps reminds us that whether in crisis or not, we share this journey together and we’re stronger together.

At The GroundSwell Project we acknowledge there is much work to be done towards reconciliation and we have committed to working with Reconciliation Australia to see in what ways we can help collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples histories, cultures and futures.

We are in the process of developing our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which reflects some of the ways we will be doing this over the coming years.

A RAP is a document which aligns with our strategic plan and includes practical actions that will help drive GroundSwell to supporting reconciliation both internally, and externally of the organisation. The RAP helps provide support around five areas of reconciliation and will help us develop respectful relationships and create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The document will set out the minimum elements required from GroundSwell to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities within GroundSwell and our communities.

We are looking forward to working closely with Reconciliation Australia to get this underway, something we truly believe in and support.

For more information, please visit the reconciliation Australia website


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