In the end , Death is casual and matter of fact

Like the breaking of a glass or plate

Or the wearing out of a string or a rope that you hang out the washing on

The heart muscles just give way

Or your neck breaks

Or a vital organ is perforated

It’s mechanical, really .

Machine starts , machine stops or breaks ,

is repaired , lasts some more time ,

then stops and is beyond repair .

Or it’s shattered or irreparably damaged in the first go itself .

Life lives in a body , which is a machine after all :

a biological machine with feelings conscience and consciousness added

but a machine still and one a with finite lifespan .

In the end Death is simple .

One moment a person is alive , the next , he is no more .

The breath no longer comes and goes .

Life , the soul, consciousness , slips out of the casing of the body .

Of course there is an emotional fall out

and a practical one .

People around the person who dies are often sad ;

in some ways, also inconvenienced .

They mourn , some brood .

Some think of their own possible mortality.

In the end , other people

Even those whose lives seemed to revolve around you

Have to get on with the business of living

The dead are soon forgotten by most

Though they linger sometimes lifelong in the hearts and memories of those who have been close to them

Those to whom they have given love and / or kindness and / or service

That’s just how it is

How much thought and worry and emotion we spend on Death , though !

Like birth or marriage or migration or parting

Like breathing and eating and walking and talking

Like a job change or a transfer

Sometimes planned with due notice

In other cases unplanned and sudden

Death happens

It has to . It’s inevitable.

Have wholesale deaths around me numbed me ?

Made me unfeeling ?

Made me write this ?

Perhaps .

We develop defenses.

We look for catharsis .

We are programmed to survive.

For as long as death spares those of us who are living -

each one separately for his or her own duration .

I’m a bit tired of Death, aren’t you ?

It can hurt me but it cannot scare me .

I’d rather laugh . I need to.

For Death has so loved so many friends of mine

that it has taken them away with itself,

and that makes me think it probably wants to be friends with me too .

Bit bizarre but the feeling persists .

One of these days we’ll walk out into the sunset for a drink, I think .

It’s about time I got to know Death better .

Hello, Stranger !

Author: Amita Sarjit Ahluwalia


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