Compassionate Communities Toolkit.png

Building Compassionate Communities in Australia: Tools for a community-led approach to end-of-life care

The GroundSwell Project initiated the National Compassionate Communities Forum in 2018 in effort to learn more about what it takes for Compassionate Communities to thrive in Australia.

After working with nine different community groups around the country, we have learnt a huge amount about what it takes for communities to develop this work and build capacity to better support each other at the end of life. We have collated a lot of these learnings and insights into toolkit of inspiration and ideas.

Community of Practice
In 2021 The GroundSwell Project will be facilitating a community of practice, a digital learning space for health professionals and community members to come together and share in their experience of using our research and toolkit in developing Compassionate Communities in their local area.

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We would love to remain in contact about opportunities to do with the toolkit.
We encourage you to Tag GroundSwell using the social links below and follow the conversation online with the hashtag #comcomtoolkit