The Compassionate Workplace

Our work colleagues have the biggest impact on us after our immediate circle of friends and close family.
When we consider how much time we spend with them it makes sense, right?

Our workplace is our community.
So what kind of community do you want to work in?

Does your workplace celebrate the highs of life like birthdays, marriages and babies? What about the harder stuff? Is your workplace equipped to support you when you need it, or is it outsourced?

We want to help workplaces reach their full potential of being vibrant, connected and compassionate communities, especially in the light of COVID-19 and the changes we’re seeing in the way we work and connect with our colleagues.

Using the lens of compassion in the workplace to view our processes, policies and leadership capabilities ensures that our actions reduce unnecessary suffering and increase recovery time needed from significant loss and grief.  Compassion is the essential quality that delivers this and good news is that compassionate leadership can be taught!

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The Compassionate Workplace starts with you. 

Here’s how we can help:

  1. Compassionate Workplace survey tools.
    How is your workplace supported in times of challenge beyond the Employee Assistance Provider? We have survey tools that highlight areas where your team feels well connected and supported and offers insight into areas to build on. We start with your strengths as a team and go from there.

  2. Professional Development Workshops.
    If you were in a position to support someone, how confident would you be? We bring this to the workplace in an engaging, vibrant, 45min or 2hour workshop which leaves people feeling not only informed and equipped but more connected as a team.

  3. Specialised grief training for management.
    Does your management know-how to actively support staff who are facing a loss? Research shows only 10% of people need professional grief support when suffering a loss, the majority just need connections with friends and colleagues. We offer leadership training in 3 key elements that enable more proactive, capable in-team support for staff experiencing a loss.

If you’d like to discuss a workplace engagement package tailored to fit your staff and work culture, we’d be happy to offer a phone consultation.


Our Clients:
