Dying to Know Day 2020: Getting to Know End of Life Doulas Webinar

As part of our Dying to Know Day 2020 Home Delivered campaign, Holly Rankin-Smith facilitated this informative conversation around End of Life Doulas.

Helen Callanan is both a practicing End of Life Doula and the owner and educator of Preparing the Way which presents the End of Life Doula training in collaboration with Natural Grace Holistic Funerals across Australia and New Zealand.

We heard stories from two end of life doulas, Carolyn Vaughan and Kylie Hutchinson and the end of life stories that we hope provided insight into the role of an End of Life Doula. You can reach out directly to Carolyn here and Kylie here: 

Carolyn Vaughan: bagnoo@tpg.com.au Ph: 0418480690

Kylie Hutchinson: info@deathdoulaservice.com.au  Ph: 0413500022

Links to other things mentioned in webinar:

Gather My Crew Webinar from 2019 here

Where to connect with an end of life Doula:

Preparing the Way

End of Life Doula Directory

Australian Doula College - Find a Doula

If you’re interested in our other events you can find them here

If you would like to hear more about Preparing the Way, you can find out more about HERE and like their facebook page HERE


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