Dying to Know day 2020 launches

We’ve been busy revisioning and exploring what Dying to Know Day could look like this year in light of covid-19. We know it’s just not possible for the campaign to function as usual with hundreds of community events around the country. 

So we’ve been thinking - rather than encouraging you to host and attend different events, this year let’s bring the events to each other - online.

That’s right, we’re delivering the events to you this year. Because really, there’s never been a more important time to encourage end of life conversations and planning than right now

We just need to do it a little differently this year.

So we have been working on a suite of online events over the next 3 months for anyone to access and we want to encourage and support you to host an online event too!

Events Including:

Planning for end of life - Where do we begin, and why?
There’s never been a better time to start your end of life planning than right now. Join GroundSwell team members as they navigate what it all means from advance care plans to enduring guardians and emotional wills. Starting April 30th.
Q&A panel discussion on Funerals in the time of COVID-19 
Meet the Picaluna Funerals team, helping families affected by the coronavirus restrictions with innovative online funerals.

Getting to know End of Life Doulas - What is a doula and how can they support us to care for our loved ones who are dying? Hear from two end of life doulas and the end of life stories that impacted them most.

Compassion in the Workplace
Most of us have experienced grief at work or we’ve had a colleague suffer. This webinar will help you recognise who your grief allies are in the workplace.

Story Telling through Corona - Our Creative Legacy artists share power of different art forms in communicating and capturing our stories.

See the full list and calendar of events here

And what about on the actual day, August 8th? We don’t know what restrictions will be in place then so we will be acknowledging the day with an exciting and creative idea that we will tell you about in our next newsletter. 

Let’s work on new ways to connect with each other in the meantime! Have you got an idea for an online event? Register it here and we’ll help promote it.

Register your online event

We’re really inspired to keep the conversations about end of life going this year.

Covid-19 has brought death and dying to the forefront of peoples minds which can spark curiosity but also anxiety. There has never been a better time to engage with our networks in conversations about end of life. It can offer insight, hope and clarity in this time of collective uncertainty.
Please spread the word and encourage people to engage with the campaign by attending an online event or by hosting one themselves!

Dying to Know Day - Home Delivered 

Let’s do this!

The GroundSwell Team.


Practical ways to talk about end of life planning with our elderly


Creative Legacy Program - Training workshop